Alpha Angels – Supporting the Alpha-1 Community

The Alpha Angels page is dedicated to members of our Alpha-1 community who have passed away, many of whom were pioneers in research, detection, support, and education for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1). Because of these Alpha Angels, we continue our mission to find a cure for Alpha-1 and to educate the world on this genetic condition that affects so many families.

2024 Alpha Angels

To add a loved one to the Alpha Angels memorial video showcased at the annual Alpha Angels Memorial Service at the Alpha-1 National Conference, we must receive a request from a family member of the deceased Alpha. The request should include the full name of the person, the name and relationship of the Alpha to the person making the request, the city and state of residence, and the year of death. Please send your requests to

If you would like to receive the full list of Alpha Angels, please submit a request at