The Alpha-1 Foundation DNA and Tissue Bank contains DNA, plasma, lung tissue, and liver tissue, as well as de-identified clinical information from more than 2,500 Alphas.
This important resource can be accessed by researchers in academia, government, and industry to advance cutting-edge Alpha-1 research upon approval by the Foundation’s DNA and Tissue Bank Advisory Committee. Please note that there is a fee to obtain samples from the DNA and Tissue Bank for industry-sponsored studies.
The Alpha-1 Foundation DNA and Tissue Bank includes samples from Alphas with several genotypes, including:
- SZ
- SS
- MZ
- MS
- MM
- Rare genotypes, including FZ, FI, MP, MI, MF, ZI, and ZV
In addition, the Alpha-1 Foundation DNA and Tissue Bank includes DNA sequencing from more than 300 Alphas with rare genotypes.
We are currently only accepting donations of rare samples.
Researchers interested in obtaining samples and correlative data from the DNA and Tissue Bank should complete an Inquiry Form on the University of Florida Alpha-1 DNA & Tissue Bank webpage
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