
Hiking for a Cure 2024
22 Mar

Hiking for a Cure 2024

Jonathan Maidment is Hiking for a Cure once again!

On March 22nd, Jonathan will begin the Arizona Trail (AZT) at the southern terminus of the 800-mile-long hike.  This includes descending and hiking in and out of the Grand Canyon!  The AZT is one of the eleven National Scenic Trails (NST) in the US.  This will be his fourth NST.

Like his Triple Crown hikes, he will be hiking for the Alpha-1 Foundation. The Foundation’s main mission is to find a cure for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, a disease that his grandmother passed away from in 2006 and that affects Jonathan as well.

Support him in his latest quest to raise funds and awareness for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency here: Hiking for a Cure 2024 - JustGiving

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