Virtual Alpha-1 National Conference: Day 3 Recap

From the Desk of Miriam O’Day:Day three of the conference kicked off with an incredible presentation from keynote speaker, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the Perspective on Pressing Public Health Matters Facing Patients in These Times. He provided with guide guidance and recommendations during COVID-19.

  • Dr. Kyle Hogarth’s presentation on Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions for Alpha-1 gave us great information and resources.
  • The AlphaNet session given by Dr. Sandhaus helped us understand AlphaNet’s programs and the presentation on Survival Data and Health Quality Measures was very inspiring.
  • It was great to hear from our incredible researchers from Ireland and the latest publication in The New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Become an advocate! I was so happy to share with you the many ways that you can get involved. You are the best person to advocate for Alphas. We are here to help get your message out.
  • Diana Berrent, Founder of Survivor Corps was so motivating. What a great way to end this day.

Remember the platform will be open until July 25, 2020. We know that you have filled your briefcase with lots of resources.

Whether this was your first conference or your 21st conference, there is still plenty of new information to share and new friends to find. There is an opportunity for everyone to get involved. The Alpha-1 Foundation will find the best program for you and provide all the tools to be successful. Remember it takes each and every person to help us move the needle.

Thank You for making our first Virtual National Conference a huge success!