July 2024 PubMed Articles

The Alpha-1 Foundation is proud to provide a monthly list of articles from researchers that have been funded by the Foundation.

Below are the top articles for July 2024:

Sex-Differences in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: Data From the EARCO Registry. 

  • Alice M. Turner
  • Marc Miravitlles
  • Ken Chapman

Alcohol consumption and liver phenotype of individuals with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency 

    • Marc Miravitlles
    • Alice m. Turner
    • Pavel Strnad

    A Further Step Toward Possible Treatment of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency-Associated Liver Disease.

      • Vera Hupertz

      Reduction of Z alpha-1 antitrypsin polymers in human iPSC-hepatocytes and mice by LRRK2 inhibitors.

        • Riccardo Ronzoni
        • James A. Irving 
        • David Lomas
        • Tamir Rashid

        A novel in vitro cell model of the proteinase/antiproteinase balance observed in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.      

          • Elizabeth Sapey 
          • Robert Stockley

          Fazirsiran for Adults With Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Liver Disease: A Phase 2 Placebo Controlled Trial (SEQUOIA). 

            • Virginia Clark 
            • Charlie Strange 
            • Pavel Strnad
            • Igor Barjaktarevic
            • Monica Goldklang
            • Meagan Gray 
            • Brooks Kuhn 
            • Mark Brantly 
            • Rohit Loomba

            Analysis of alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT)-regulated, glucocorticoid receptor-dependent genes in macrophages reveals a novel host defense function of AAT. 

              • Robert Sandhaus

              Association of circulating Z-polymer with adverse clinical outcomes and liver fibrosis in adults with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. 

                • Pavel Strnad

                Retrospective Database Analysis of Liver-Related Clinical Events in Adult and Pediatric Patients with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in the United States. 

                  • Charlie Strange

                  Improving the diagnosis of AATD with aid of serum protein electrophoresis: a prospective, multicentre, validation study. 

                    • Ilaria Ferrarotti

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